Friday, July 16, 2010

2nd Comic - I want a chicky

Click image to enlarge

Quote of the day:
The process of create is just a 3 simple steps to help you get the thing you want.

BELIEVE> Your thought and action have already received your desire. The Law of Attraction will drive you the object, people or incident whenever you sent out the frequency of being received.

RECEIVE> To feel the goodness once you have received your desire. Feel the wonderfulness NOW and put it on the right frequency.

Start from attracting a small object, eg a cup of coffee or a car park lot. It's the simplest way of discovering the Law of Attraction. You may advance to create a bigger object by using your strongest desire and attract the small object while experienced the power of attraction which you already have.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Introduction Comic

Proudly present the first release of OM Comic! Hope you like it!

Click image to enlarge

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The movie trailer

The movie trailer for ORANGE MONSTER, the one everybody waiting for.

ORANGE MONSTER, the unbeatable hero, has the earth nature power which can inspire people and influence them to realize self improvement.

Life is full of uncertainties. It’s never-ending series of changes. Nothing is ever still. What ORANGE MONSTER seeks to do is continuously inspiring people with unbeatable spirit, and turns difficulties into the power of wisdom, and it opens the way to happiness. ORANGE MONSTER is just like a summon machine, he summons the lifeless objects to the world and reminds you how to live your own life with your own hand.

ORANGE MONSTER gives fun, courage, wisdom, hope, philosophy; creativity to life or a vision for the future to each person he meets. He is the one whom everybody can rely on.

Cherish the rise of the hero!

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